Saturday 21 March 2015

The show must go on...

Jerome Bel
People finding their groove
Time to notice
Seeing, really seeing.

Human...touching, connecting with everyone, for everyone, from everyone, together.
If more people spent more time experiencing this wonderful work, we would have a happier world.
Just wonderful.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

New beginnings...(again?)

So, here I am continually trying to make sense of the world around me, me within it, the journeys I take and those who take them, or parts of them, with me, and I come to a new blog space as another environment through which to express and I guess share my thoughts, observations and general ramblings on experiences and possibilities of (and from) life in motion.

I'm going to start with today, seems a good place, with yesterday passed and tomorrow yet to unveil its possibilities.  I'm thinking about writing (go figure!) but more specifically writing that asks us to translate thought, feelings, lived experiences into another domain, of the written word.  To project what we intend to do, when we have yet to do it, and so cannot possibly fully know what it will be (following a belief in experience is knowledge - this makes sense).

Whilst supporting a young artist, whose work I hold great interest in and respect for, with a proposal for presenting a new exhibition (his work blurring boundaries between more traditional perceptions of visual art and dance), I have received acceptance of a proposal I submitted myself to present an area of interest to me within my work, Being and Nothingness; exploring the value of trust in perceptions of states of consciousness through moving/improvising,  at the ArtEZ masters of choreography gathering in the Netherlands in December.   I've been looking at words being representative I guess in some ways, value laden in others, prescriptive, descriptive, defining, ambiguous, creative?  I've re-looked at my proposal for this event, and at Charlie's for his, and been struck by the notion of change over time.  This is not to say that what I proposed and what I'm interested in exploring in the context of this presentation has changed significantly, nor that Charlie is now a different person from whenever ago I'm making reference to, but that our collective/independent research has moved forwards (and sideways) since the point in time for me, within which the proposal was written and so situates its meaning, and for Charlie from a point of initially expressing ideas and questions around two art forms to the point of making a proposal to exhibit work publicly.  I'm interested in these proposals as representations of new beginnings in some way, equally for Charlie as his work and career are just emerging, and for me, further down the line, but still open to the possibilities of new beginnings.

This fascination with time, time passing, time past, us within time, time within us, or simply time as an opportunity for things to happen, has been with me for sometime now, and my want to find ways through moving predominantly as that's where I feel alive and responsive, to capture moments in time evolves from this and I guess can be seen in the work that I make, the ideas and questions I present, the work and artists I am drawn to, what excites me, or frustrates me.

Alongside proposal writing/thinking, I am also in the process today (on a roll, so keeping with it...) of 'writing up' (a phrase/notion in itself to be explored) my thoughts and reflections following some R&D workshops I held in August/September.  Again the notion of time, as a facility for reflection in this case, is in my mind.

So, an introductory picture painted in some way, todays moment captured in another, I intend to look now to sharing my research, documented from the studio to the page, thoughts, ideas, moments of inspiration, moments of noticing, moments of being...just moments really, but this may change over time too.